recall Aircode DRS/Xelius SL3
Legal notice
Rue Edmond Voisenet
RCS DIJON 016 650 996 (66B99)
SAS social capital: €310 000
Publication Manager: Gilles Lapierre
Additional mentions
The company of CYCLES LAPIERRE opened this website for the personal use and enjoyment of its users. All commercial exploitation, even partial, of the information presented on this website is prohibited without the written consent of CYCLES LAPIERRE.
Intellectual property
The name « Cycles Lapierre » and its logos, slogans and brands, registered or not, represented on this website are the property of CYCLES LAPIERRE. Any use, reproduction and/or modification done without the written agreement of CYCLES LAPIERRE will be considered copyright infringement according to articles L. 335-2 and according to the Code of Intellectual Property, which can involve the civil and penal responsibility of the forger.
The presentation and the content of this website constitute together a work protected by the enforced laws concerning intellectual property, of which CYCLES LAPIERRE is titular. Any reproduction and or representation, partial or integral, is prohibited without the written agreement of CYCLES LAPIERRE.
The drawings, photographs, images, texts and animated sequences with or without sound as well as any other document represented on this website are subject to industrial and intellectual property rights and are, depending on the cases, property of CYCLES LAPIERRE or third parties having granted authority to CYCLES LAPIERRE to use them.
In this respect, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and / or modification, partial or in its entirety, or link towards another site are prohibited.
Obligation of the user and conditions of use of the site.
Any person consulting this website accepts without reserve the following conditions:
1. Any visitor of the website accepts that everything that is presented on this site is protected by copyright and/or additional industrial property laws. The user accepts that the information presented can not be used without the written permission of CYCLES LAPIERRE.
2. CYCLES LAPIERRE does not guarantee the information presented on this website, and assumes no responsibility for omitted information in the site’s content. CYCLES LAPIERRE does not guarantee that the use of materials presented on the site will not violate rights held by third parties.
3. Each visitor of the Lapierre website or any other website of CYCLES LAPIERRE that provides information (notably by email) other than personal data as defined by the Information and Liberties Law of January 6, 1978, as defined within this law, gives his or her consent and transfers rights to LAPIERRE to use this information as the company sees fit.
All mentioned prices are given as indications of public retail prices and professional Lapierre retailers are free to modify them as they wish.
CNIL mentions
You have the right to access, modify, retract and delete personal information and data as defined by the law of January 6, 1978 called “Loi Informatique et Libertés.” You can exercise this right by sending an email from the contact page and choosing the following subject: CNIL – modification des données personnelles
The company CYCLES LAPIERRE (governed under French law) has translated this legal notice into English, but this translation has no legal or contractual value. Only the general conditions and legal notice about this website written in French are applicable to the company Cycles Lapierre.